apa yg anda perlu ad, mp3 or mp4 player.juz tekan next according to the question..sy da cbe,anda pula mcm mn?hehe
1.Put your music player or whatever on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get yr answer.
3. You must write it down no matter how silly it sounds!
1. What is your Motto? = kembali senyum, izwan pilus(yeah hidup msti diteruskn!!)
2. What do your friends think of you? = through my window (ermm then?)
3. What do you think about very often? = hapus aku,nidji(erk!ak tak ckup amalan lg nieh)
4. What is 2+2? = zikir 2,hijjaz (wah zikir dlu br blh jwb)
5. What do you think of your best friend? = bila terasa rindu,dafi(wah jiwang kot..mmbr je pn..hee)
6. What do you think about the person you like? = realize,cobie caillat(owh ku sdr diriku sp)
7. What is your life story? = she will be loved,maroon 5(waiting 4 someone guess?)
8. What do you wanna be when you grow up? = rich girl,gwen steffanii(ahakz!hopefully la)
9. What do you think when you see the person you like? = one step a time, jordin sparks (one step back!!im too shy...heee)
10. What do your parents think of you? = everything,m2m (u r everything 4 me too..:))
11. What will you dance to at your wedding? = gee,snsd (wah step dlm kpla kot..ngehee)
12. What will they play at your funeral? = wake up call,maroon 5(jgn sesape dtg klu nk slmt!)
13. What is your biggest secret? = bencinta,faizal tahir (errr..kt someone ke?nth la)
p/s : last paper 2morrow..pasni tak tensen dh...heee